5 Secret SEO rules to ranked any keyword fast on Google

By Er Masroor 8 Min Read

Ranking and getting organic traffic for new bloggers is not child’s play. The topic you are writing about already has millions of articles indexed on Google’s servers.

So, getting your article on the first page is a tough task, but not impossible. Many claim that writing unique content ensures ranking.

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But what about articles already at the top? They were unique and well-optimized for SEO, which is why they ranked.

So, how can our article rank in such a scenario?

If these questions are on your mind, you’re in the right place. We’re here to share 5 secrets that, when applied, can help you achieve first-page ranking.

I’ve previously written an article on how to rank a new website, which you can read here

Things to be consider before know top SEO Secrect

When experts talk about getting your article to show up on Google, they say it should be unique, have good on-page SEO, get backlinks, be on a popular website, be more than 500 words, and have things like a catchy title and description.

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But here’s the tricky part: let’s say you’re writing about “5 SEO Mistakes to Avoid,” and that’s the thing you want to be notice. When you search for it, there are already thousands of articles.

You want yours to be in the top 10, but those top ones are already really good at SEO. So, if you use the same tricks, how can you get up there too?

Let’s talk about five simple tricks to help you get into the top 10. But before you learn, if you don’t know much about SEO, it’s important to learn the basics first here.

Top 5 SEO Secret tips to ranked guaranteed on First page

Secret SEO rules to ranked

1. Write Unique Title, that people ask on Google

First, keep your mind cool, and decide what topic you want to write about today. Then, come up with a title for that topic and think about which keyword you want to focus on in that title.

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Let’s understand this with an example.

Let’s say I want to write a post today with the topic “Why I am not getting approved for Adsense account,” and my focus keyword in this title isGetting approved for Adsense.”

Now, the first thing I’ll do is open Google’s homepage, paste my title into the search bar, and hit enter. Google will show me a top 10 list, and here’s where the trick comes in.

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Look for the “People also ask” section. Your job is to find a title related to your title in the “people also ask” results, copy it, and use it as your own title.

google search serp

Here we replace my Title ” Why I am Not getting approved for adsense” with People also ask SERP ” how can I get AdSense approval easily

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Read also: Is Domain Authority a ranking factor in Google’s algorithm?

2. Make atleast 10 Internal link

When it comes to getting on the first page, everyone talks about backlinks, especially from high-authority websites.

Expert say, “Get backlinks from big websites.” But how? Why would someone link to our site on their own?

It seems a bit out of our control to get backlinks from high-authority websites. Creating backlinks from other websites is a natural process, and it’s effective when done naturally.

However, I believe that internal backlinks also work wonders. If you create around 10 internal backlinks in each article the right way, it can really help in getting your article ranked.

3. Make atleast 3 Backlink on Your target keyword

So far, I’ve shared two secrets.

Now, let’s talk about the third secret:

“Make internal backlinks on the target keyword with the same article link.”

Let’s understand this with a brief example.

Suppose my title is “Why I am not getting approved for AdSense account,” and my target keyword is “Getting approved for AdSense account.”

Now, we need at least 3 internal backlinks that focus only on this keyword. The links we create should point to this article and use the same keyword.

4. Natural Keyword placement

The most crucial factor in getting an article ranked is the use of keywords. Keywords are the terms people use when searching. There was a time when keyword density played a significant role in Google’s search algorithm.

People would stuff articles with their target keyword, thinking the more, the better. However, this misuse led to a practice known as keyword stuffing. Soon, Google caught on and updated its algorithm to penalize those who engaged in keyword stuffing.

But even now, if you use keywords in the right way, your article can achieve a high ranking.

I’ll provide you with detailed guidance on where and how to use keywords effectively.

  • Use only 1.5 % Target keyword of total words, Suppose your whole article is 1000 Words then target keyword should be 15 times only.
  • Target keyword must be place at beginning of tille,
  • Don’t use target keyword more than 1 time in Meta description
  • If you article have few images, atleast Use once target Keyword as ALT image.
  • Place Target keyword maximum 4 time as H2, H3, H4 etc
  • Use target key atleast 1 time in last paragraph of article Or, In conclusion.

5. Try to solved atleast five “People aslo seacrh” queries

“People also search” queries are a reflection of what users are commonly looking for on a particular topic. To effectively address these queries, it’s essential to understand the user’s intent and provide concise yet informative responses.

By solving at least five “People also search” queries, you not only enhance user experience but also contribute to the accessibility of relevant information.

This proactive approach ensures that users find what they are looking for efficiently, creating a positive interaction with the content and the platform.

It’s a valuable practice in user-centric content creation, aligning your output with the actual needs and interests of your audience.


In conclusion, mastering the five secret SEO rules is an indispensable strategy for achieving rapid keyword rankings on Google.

By emphasizing the importance of comprehensive keyword research, optimizing on-page elements, building high-quality backlinks, prioritizing user experience, and staying abreast of algorithm updates, businesses and content creators can propel their web pages to the forefront of search engine results.

These rules form a robust foundation for an effective SEO strategy, fostering improved visibility, credibility, and ultimately driving organic traffic.

As the digital landscape evolves, adherence to these clandestine SEO principles ensures a competitive edge, enabling websites to not just navigate but excel in the dynamic realm of online search.

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SEOByMasroor.Com, is the place where we make learning easy. We’re here to help you with simple and clear instructions for all the things you want to learn. We believe that everyone can learn. SEOByMasroor is here to help you become better at things and make life a little simpler.

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I'm a committed content writer, shaping captivating stories to grab your attention. With a love for words, I carefully put together ideas into interesting tales, making sure they're clear and leave a strong impact. My writing covers a wide range of topics, always aiming to inform, inspire, and make a lasting impression.
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