Does www or non-www affect SEO?

By Er Masroor 8 Min Read

From an SEO perspective, the choice between using “www” or “non-www” domains doesn’t impact your search engine optimization directly. But today this article is deeply written for those who want to know www vs non-www SEO

However, there are some essential guidelines to consider when making this decision. If you prefer the “non-www” version for your website, it’s advisable not to have the “www” version indexed by search engines.

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Does the choice between using “www” and “no www” affect your website’s SEO? What do search engines prefer? Keep reading to discover the answers.

While browsing the internet or optimizing websites, you may have encountered sites that do not use the “www” prefix, but instead, they opt for the non-www version.

For instance, URLs with “www”:


And URLs without “www”:

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Does it make a difference whether a site uses www or non-www URLs, and is there an SEO consequence to selecting one over the other?

Let’s explore it. But before we do, let’s provide a clearer definition of what “www” and “non-www” are.

www or non-www affect SEO

“www” and “non-www” are prefixes used in website URLs. They serve to distinguish between different versions of a website’s address.

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  • www: This stands for “World Wide Web” and is a traditional prefix. For example, “” indicates the website is accessible via the World Wide Web.
  • non-www: This is the version of a website’s URL without the “www” prefix. For example, “” omits the “www.”

Both versions can lead to the same website, but webmasters and site owners may choose one over the other for various reasons, including aesthetics, branding, and technical preferences.

The choice between “www” and “non-www” doesn’t significantly affect the website’s content but can have implications for SEO and user experience.

The choice between using “www” or “non-www” is not a matter of one being inherently better for SEO than the other. From an SEO perspective, search engines like Google treat both versions equally, so it’s more a matter of personal preference and technical considerations.

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However, what’s crucial for SEO is consistency. You should pick one version (either “www” or “non-www”) and stick with it throughout your website.

This consistency ensures that search engines can accurately index your site and prevents potential issues like duplicate content. So, it’s not about one being better; it’s about maintaining uniformity for SEO success.

The choice between using “www” or “non-www” in your website’s URL should be based on your specific preferences and technical considerations. There’s no one-size-fits-all answer, and both options are acceptable from an SEO perspective.

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Here are some factors to consider when making your choice:

  • Aesthetics and Branding: Think about which version aligns better with your website’s overall look and branding. Some websites prefer the clean and concise appearance of “” (non-www), while others like the traditional feel of “” (www).
  • Technical Considerations: Check if your web hosting or content management system (CMS) has any specific requirements or recommendations regarding the use of “www” or “non-www.” Some systems may work more seamlessly with one version over the other.
  • User Experience: Consider how your choice may impact the user experience. Ensure that your website functions consistently with the chosen URL structure, and set up appropriate redirects to avoid broken links.
  • Consistency: Whichever version you choose, maintain consistency throughout your website. Use redirects to ensure all traffic ends up on your preferred version.

In summary, the decision should be based on your website’s specific needs and your own preferences. Both “www” and “non-www” can work effectively for SEO, as long as you implement and maintain your choice consistently.

Yes, it is possible to use both “www” and “non-www” versions of your website simultaneously, but it requires careful configuration to avoid potential SEO issues. This setup is known as a “www” and “non-www” canonicalization.

To implement this, you should follow these steps:

  • Set a preferred domain: Decide whether you want to use “www” or “non-www” as the primary version of your website. This will be your preferred version.
  • Configure redirects: Set up 301 redirects to ensure that all incoming traffic is redirected to your preferred version. For example, if your preferred version is “www,” then all requests to “” should be redirected to “,” and vice versa.
  • Update internal links: Make sure that all internal links on your website use your preferred version. This includes links in your content, navigation menus, and sitemaps.
  • Canonical tags: Implement canonical tags in your website’s HTML to indicate the preferred version of each page to search engines.
  • Update Google Search Console: In your Google Search Console account, specify your preferred domain to inform Google about your choice.

Using both versions simultaneously can be complex, and it’s important to manage it carefully to prevent duplicate content issues, which can negatively impact your SEO.

It’s generally recommended to choose one version (either “www” or “non-www”) and redirect the other to it for simplicity and to avoid potential complications.

Choose the version that aligns with your business, goals, and objectives. Consider that the “www” version may be more technically advantageous, and your requirements could evolve as your website and business expand.

If you’re launching a new website, make a clear choice from the start. For established websites, it’s generally best to stick with the existing version and avoid making changes.

Utilize redirects sparingly, only when absolutely necessary. Keep in mind that when you implement redirects, it will take some time for Google to crawl and index the alterations, potentially affecting your visibility.

If both versions of your site are indexed, ensure that 301 redirects direct traffic to the preferred version with the most traffic, links, and authority. Continue to enhance and generate content to enhance your brand’s online success.

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